Annual General Meeting

Russ Ladwa presidential photo

The Annual General Meeting of the West of Scotland branch took place on 14 April and featured a very personal address from the BDA’s President Russ Ladwa.

The event was for BDA members only and was followed by Russ Ladwa relating his own lived experiences of ethnicity and diversity issues and a personal account of how he dealt with these and how the BDA is working towards improving these matters within the profession.

Download the BDAWOS 2019 AGM minutes APPROVED

Download the Agenda for the BDAWoS2021AGM

Proposed New Branch Rules

At the AGM attendees were due to discuss a set of new Branch Rules to replace those which have been in operation since 1982. Unfortunately the number present to do this was not quorate for the purposes of amending the rules so these will be discussed at a future meeting.

See the Proposed Branch Rules West of Scotland 2020